Факультет гидромелиорации, экологии и землеустройства

Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

History of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

The need to train ecologists for the agricultural sector of the national economy matured within the walls of the K.I. Scriabin Agricultural Institute back in 1990. On this basis, the Department of Ecology and Plant Protection was created and structurally assigned to the Faculty of Agronomy. From 1993 to 2001, before the creation of the department with the current name and teaching staff, it underwent many reorganizations and in different years the department was called differently:

-1993-1994 – “Biology and Ecology”;

-1994-1996 – “Ecology and Environmental Protection”.

During these periods, the department was headed by Associate Professors: Malyutina R.M., Zhunusov M.K., Dzhekshenaliev K.J., Karamoldoev J.D. In 2001, it was headed by Samykbayev A.K., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.  Since 2005 the department was headed by  is  Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Aidaraliev O.K., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. Prof. Samykbaev A.K., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, and Associate Professors such as  Tashtanbekova M.M., Tunkatarova E.I., Kazakanov T., and senior teachers Kenzhebaeva A.V., Dzhakshylykova Zh.B., Bekturganova B.Sh., and Birimkulova N.T., work at the department and contributing to its development. The number of subjects taught is 33, which are conducted in Kyrgyz and Russian.


Graduates of the “Ecology and Nature Management” profile are universal specialists trained to work in the State Ecology and Climate Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek Territorial Administration, in the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and it’s subdivisions (Kyrgyzhydromet, State Forestry Agency, etc.).  In addition, our graduates will be able to work in academic and departmental research organizations related to environmental protection and ecology.

The teaching staff of the department is actively engaged in research. Methodological guidelines are systematically developed and issued by teaching staff of the department and scientific articles including monographs were published:

Over the past five years, more than 31 scientific articles and 2 monographs were published, 6 patents of the Kyrgyz Republic for copyright certificates were obtained.

The department’s students and teachers annually speak at scientific conferences of various levels. Collections of articles and abstracts were published based on the results of conferences. Students awarded diplomas, certificates, and prizes. Seidakmatova M., a fourth-year student took part in the interuniversity scientific conference “Actual problems of science: the view of the young” ISITO, Bishkek, 2020. Kaparbekova A., a third-year student took part in the “Central Asian Forum for Sustainable Development”, Bishkek, 2021.

Aidaraliev O.K. is involved in the “Monitoring of transboundary wild animal diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic” project.

Samykbaev A.K. – a member of the Dissertation Council D.06.17. 566

Senior teachers of the department are engaged in a Ph.D. thesis:

  • Kenzhebaeva A.V., “Ecological and biogeochemical assessment of the soil and vegetation cover of the coastal zone of the eastern Issyk-Kul. Studies of the content of heavy metals in soils and plants (mowing, plant organs)”. Scientific supervisor: B.M. Dzhenbaev, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
  • Bekturganova B.S., “Microbial biodiversity of soil and aquatic biotopes of the Son-Kul valley”. Scientific supervisor: Doolotkeldieva T.D., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Educational and methodological work of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Educational and methodological documentation of the Ecology and Environmental Protection educational program

Availability of methodological developments and guidelines for conducting laboratory and practical classes:

  • Methodological guidelines for final qualifying bachelor’s and master’s theses in the direction of 520800 “Ecology and Nature Management” Bishkek, 2017, compiled by Kenzhebaeva A.V., Tashtanbekova M.M., Aidaraliev O.K., and others.
  • Methodological guidelines for laboratory and practical classes in the discipline of “Ecological Foundations of Nature Management” for students in the direction of 520800 “Ecology and Nature Management” Bishkek, 2018, compiled by Tashtanbekova M.M., Kenzhebaeva A.V., Dzhakshylykova Zh. B.
  • Methodological guidelines for seminars and practical classes on the discipline “Specially protected natural territories of the world” for students at agricultural universities in the direction of 520800 “Ecology and Nature Management” Bishkek, 2017, compiled by Tashtanbekova M.M., Kermaliev Zh.K.
  • Methodological guidelines for seminars and practical classes in the discipline of “Landscapes of Kyrgyzstan” in the direction of 520800 “Ecology and Nature Management” Bishkek, 2019, compiled by Kenzhebaeva, A. V., Tunkatarova E. I., Zhaksylykova J. J., Birimkulova N. T., Bekturganov B. S.
  • Methodological guidelines for seminars, practical and laboratory classes in the discipline of “Environmental Monitoring and Control Methods” in the direction of 520800 “Ecology and Nature Management” Bishkek, 2019, compiled by Kenzhebaeva, A. V., Tastanbekova M. M., Bekturganov B. S.
  • Methodological guidelines: Palatability of pasture plants. Bishkek -2012 Samykbaev A.K., Semenova T.V., Duishenaliev Zh.B.


Textbook: Fundamentals of agricultural ecology. Bishkek -2010. Samykbaev A.K., Semenova T.V., Karabaeva A.K.

Учебно- методические документации образовательной программы Экологии и ЗОС.

Наличие методических разработок и указаний для проведения лабораторно-практических занятий:

  • Методические указания к выпускным квалификационным бакалаврским работам и магистерским диссертациям по направлению 520800 «Экология и природопользование» г. Бишкек, 2017г, составители: Кенжебаева А.В., Таштанбекова М.М., Айдралиев О.К.,и др.
  • Методические указания к лабораторно-практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Экологические основы природопользования» для студентов по направлению 520800 “Экология и природопользование” Бишкек, 2018 г., составители: Таштанбекова М.М., Кенжебаева А.В., Джакшылыкова Ж.Б
  • Методические указания к семинарским и практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Особо охраняемые природные территории мира» для студентов сельскохозяйственных ВУЗов по направлению 520800 «Экология и природопользование» Бишкек, 2017г., составители: Таштанбекова М.М., Кермалиев Ж.К.
  • Методические указания к семинарским и практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Антропогенные ландшафты Кыргызстана» по направлению 520800 «Экология и природопользование» Бишкек, 2019г., составители: Кенжебаева А.В., Тункатарова Э.И., Джакшылыкова Ж.Ж., Биримкулова Н.Т., Бектурганова Б.Ш.
  • Методические указания к семинарским, практическим и лабораторным занятиям по дисциплине «Мониторинг окружающей среды и методы контроля» по направлению 520800 «Экология и природопользование» Бишкек, 2019г., составители: Кенжебаева А.В., Таштанбекова М.М., Бектурганова Б.Ш.
  • Методические указания: Поедаемость пастбищных растений. Бишкек -2012г. Самыкбаев А.К., Семенова Т.В., Дуйшеналиев Ж.Б.


Учебное пособие: Основы сельскохозяйственной экологии. Бишкек -2010г. Самыкбаев А.К., Семенова Т.В., Карабаева А.К.

Состав кафедры

Marjan Tashtanbekova

Head of the Department Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

E-mail: marjan67@inbox.ru


Aman Samykbaev

Dean of FSEIZU, Professor
E-mail: Samykbaev_aman@mail.ru

Kenzhebaeva Aigul Viktorovna

Acting Assistant Professor
E-mail: sezim73@mail.ru

Jdjakshylykova Jyparkul Beishenalievna

Senior Lecturer
E-mail: jdjakshylykova1975@mail.ru

Bekturganova Baarkul Sharshenbekovna

Senior Lecturer
E-mail: Baku_knau@mail.ru

Tursunalieva Begaiym Mairambekovna

E-mail: tursunalieva2021@bk.ru