Факультет гидромелиорации, экологии и землеустройства

Department of Geodesy and Cartography


In 1949, simultaneously with the Faculty of Hydro-Reclamation, the Department of Geodesy and Graphics was established, headed by: associate professors M.N. Voidillo, V.A. Sokolov, V.K. Yanzen, Yu.I. Sidorenko, and Professor Y.M. Dodis. In 1992, the Department Hydro-Reclamation was organized Faculty of Land Management.

Further, in connection with the development of land and agrarian reform in the Kyrgyz Republic, there was a need for geodesic specialists. At the initiative of the State Cartographic and Geodetic Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, the training of engineers-geodesists began at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University K. I. Scryabin. In 1996, the admission of students to a new specialty “Applied Geodesy” was opened at the Department of “Land Management and Geodesy”.

Since 2004, the Department of Land Management and Geodesy has been reformed into separate departments of “Land Management” and “Geodesy and Cartography”. The first head of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography was the Director General of the State Cartographic and Geodetic Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.E. Tsurkov. Due to the dynamically developing equipment and technologies in the field of Geodesy and cartography in the 2012-2013 academic year, the specialty “Applied Geodesy” was renamed into the specialty “Geodesy and remote sensing” and also received a license for the specialty “Cartography”.

From 2005 to 2012, the department was initiated by Ph.D. Associate Professor Sultanalieva Tursunbubu. From 2012 to 2019, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Ermek  Sharsheev. Since 2019, the persistent pastime of the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Acting Professor Chortombaev Ulan.

To date, 3 senior lector work at the department in the state regime – Oleinikova Svetlana, Mamyralieva Venera, Konurbayeva Gulzat, 1 assistant – Zhumabekova Aigerim, 1 laboratory assistant – Medetbekova Baktygul

Directions and profiles/programs

Geodesy is one of the oldest sciences. The word “geodesy” is formed from two

words – “land” and “divide”, and the science itself arose as a result of practical

human activity to establish the boundaries of land plots,

the construction of irrigation canals, land drainage. Modern geodesy is a multifaceted science that solves complex scientific and practical problems. The main scientific task of geodesy is to determine the shape and size of the Earth and its external gravitational field. This science is about measuring the earth’s surface to display it on plans and maps.

The subject of applied geodesy is the study of methods of topographic and geodetic support for various economic tasks arising in construction production, in mining and exploration and mining, the study of natural resources and the study of the stability of structures and the Earth’s surface in space and time. In a narrower sense, applied geodesy studies methods of topographic and geodetic surveys, methods of making projects of structures in nature, and for this reason applied geodesy is sometimes called engineering, thereby emphasizing its close connection with engineering and construction production.

Remote sensing of the Earth (RSE) is the observation of the Earth’s surface by ground, aviation and space means equipped with various types of shooting equipment. The operating range of wavelengths received by the shooting equipment ranges from fractions of a micrometer (visible optical radiation) to meters (radio waves). Probing methods can be passive, that is, using natural reflected or secondary thermal radiation of objects on the Earth’s surface due to solar activity, and active — using forced radiation of objects initiated by an artificial directional source. Remote sensing data obtained from the spacecraft (spacecraft) are characterized by a high degree of dependence on the transparency of the atmosphere. Therefore, the spacecraft uses multi-channel equipment of passive and active types, registering electromagnetic radiation in various ranges.

Department composition

Шаршеев Эрмек Сабырович

заведющий кафедрой, кандидат технических наук, и.о. доцента;

E-mail: sharsheev.ermek@gmail.com

Султаналиева Турсунбубу Султаналиевна

кандидат технических наук, доцент;
E-mail: tursunsultanalieva@mail.ru

Олейникова Светлана Анатольевна

старший преподаватель
E-mail: s.olejnikova@inbox.ru

Мамыралиева Венера Тологоновна

старший преподаватель
E-mail: mamyralievav@mail.ru

Конурбаева Гулзат Уларбековна

старший преподаватель
E-mail: gulzatka87@mail.ru

Жумабекова Айгерим Жумабековна

E-mail: jumabekova_gdz@mail.ru

Медетбекова Бактыгүл Медетбековна
